Steel on Steel (Group Activity) (Video) (PDF)


What is Steel on Steel?

Steel on Steel is a specific Spiritual Exercise for members of Alcoholics Anonymous interested in attaining the 4Th Dimension of existence. The idea of Steel on Steel came from a spiritual advisor, and the name “Steel on Steel” is an adaptation of a Biblical Spiritual Principal found in Proverbs 27:17… “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

The Steel on Steel group (not more than four people) meets once a month and is designed around an intense personal commitment of each member to the group. Each member of Steel on Steel is committed to helping his fellow group members attain a higher level in the “Fellowship of the Spirit”. This process fosters a special bond with each member to the group as they grow in their own conscious contact with God. This contributes to their lives getting better than they could have imagined.

Steel on Steel is all about Action and Love and is not for people interested in “half measures” or “middle of the road solutions”. Please, do not start this process unless you are TOTALLY committed to A.A., emotional sobriety, personal growth, a healthy home & work life, financial responsibility, helping others, and most of all,
growing in a conscious contact with God. In Steel on Steel, we leave no holds barred because we offer each other Spiritual license.

Spiritual license is the process where you offer another person, with Love as their guide, to comment on any area of your life. In Steel on Steel, ALL areas of our lives are open to the Love and Help found in the group. Therefore, nothing is off limits, if it can help lead us to personal growth and integrity in our sobriety. Together, we will pray, meditate, and ‘check’ each other, as we each trudge our own “Road of Happy Destiny.”

The Steel on Steel meeting is solely for the purpose of seeking the truth about your current Spiritual condition. Each member of the group is given the opportunity to share about their life and we use the group as a “Spiritual mirror” through which we can see our honest and true selves. In essence, we allow the group to be a voice for God in our lives, speaking through each participant.

The Steel on Steel meeting starts off with a few minutes of silence for each member to try and clear their mind, followed with a version of “The Set Aside Prayer”. We then start the meeting by reading from the Big Book. Someone reads from (62:2 – 63:3). This reading should remind us of What the problem is, Who causes the problem, What the penalty is if the problem is left unchecked, What we have decided in Step Three, Why we are here, Who makes our recovery possible. As the Third Step Prayer is read, all members of the group should reaffirm their decision by
joining in with the reading of the prayer.

In the Steel on Steel meeting, we use a timer to give each individual up to 10 minutes to share about where they CURRENTLY are in their life. The time limit keeps us brief and to the point, as well as, keeping us from long drawn out justifications for our behavior. Please stick to the time limit! Each person shares based on the difficulties they are experiencing with being on a spiritual path. Be prepared to talk about your current difficulties, in a forthright and rigorously honest manner. Remember, we need to leave no stone unturned. We all suffer selfishness and self-centeredness and we must have God’s help to restore our broken will. We must be vigilant in identifying our difficulties and we need the help of God speaking through the group for us to be “pulled out” of delusion and to allow the ego to be reduced. We are here to help each other reduce the delusions we each suffer from and to see God’s truth. We are not here to judge, criticize, confront or demean. We are gentle spirits and only wish to be helpful in identifying our brokenness and to help each other repair the damage in our lives. We are here to learn how to stay sober and live to good purpose under God’s direction.

Direct Download: Steel on Steel Original Worksheets

Direct Download: Additional Questions for Steel on Steel Group w/ Answers

Direct Download: Additional Questions for Steel on Steel Group w/o Answers

Author: Anonymous